Thursday, November 16, 2017

Gloria Allred Refuses To Say That High School Yearbook Signature Is NOT Fabricated

Via Billy

Feminist lawyer Gloria Allred refused to deny that her client’s “Roy Moore” signature in her high school yearbook is NOT a fabrication. CNN’s Wolf Blitzer grilled Allred on the matter Wednesday.

“Well, all I’m saying is, we will permit an independent examiner of the writing…We will allow all of this to be asked and answered at the hearing,” Allred said.

“But that’s not a flat denial, Gloria,” Blitzer said.

“Well, all I’m saying is, we’re not denying, we’re not admitting, we’re not addressing,” Allred said.

“We will not be distracted.”

Blitzer asked why Allred needed a Senate hearing and would not just permit an independent handwriting expert to take a look.

“Well, uh, all I can say is we want it done in a professional setting to the extent possible, that’s the only setting in which people can testify under oath,” Allred said.


  1. Off Topic, but too good not to share, a quote from Stefan Molyneux (plenty of posting by him on You Tube):
    "Democracy is a sort of slow motion suicide, in which you are told that it is the highest civic virtue to approve of those who want to rob you."
    Those who brag and take great pride in being "a hard working tax paying Americian" come to mind.

    1. "Democracy is a sort of slow motion suicide, in which you are told that it is the highest civic virtue to approve of those who want to rob you."

      Hadn't heard that. Thanks.
