Friday, November 24, 2017

Martial Law or Frontier Justice. The Choice Is Coming Like It Or Not.

Via comment by JWMJR on  Fun with IQ: Deep Thought

I fear that the problem of Baltimore or Detroit or south Chicago cannot and will not be solved until we have a straight up race war. Unfortunately that means a lot of innocent people will die both white and black.


  1. As I see it, the race war has already started. It just has yet to spill out into to an all out shooting war. When there are You Tube posting by blacks calling for the killing of white people; you have a race war. When you have so called universities openly calling for the destruction of "whiteness" and "white privilege" (what ever the hell that is suppose to mean); you have a race war. It is only a matter of time when that one incident occurs to start a full out shooting multi-tribal civil war. We are past the point of no-return. The cultural Marxist and their fellow travelers (Antifa) want a war. The entitlement class, who continue to demand more "free stuff" are not about to change their behavior. The demonization of those who disagree with you has gone on for so long and to the extreme that the is no room for compromise or a willingness to listen to the other side. The name calling (e.g. racist, sexist, homophobe, Nazi) can not be walked back. Ego's will not allow for the admission of possibly being wrong about a core value or a deeply held political belief. We no longer have a common core of shared values and common identity that unites our diverse and multi-cultural society. We also have numerous government agencies which have their own paramilitary units, with all the guns, ammo (billions of rounds) and the sundry military equipment just waiting to be used. War is coming. It is now a question of how soon.

    1. Excellent.

  2. I heard on Lou Dobbs that the FBI has become the national
    police. They don't even wait to be 'invited', they just
    come. This country is being taken over and totally reinvented.
    We got a big problem and I don't see patriotic Americans of
    many numbers trying to reverse it, say like the 50's.
