Monday, November 27, 2017

The Whitewashed Tyranny of Abraham Lincoln

Via Jonathan

Abraham Lincoln was the best U.S. President, motivated by a patriotic and Christian desire to preserve the union of states and free the slaves. At least that is what modern textbooks suggest. There is a bigger story to the 16th President of the United States than the Gettysburg Address and the Emancipation Proclamation. A whitewashed version of the man is all that we learned about him in school. It is what our children and grandchildren are still being taught. Public school districts and universities have been dutifully parroting that the Southern states of Lincoln's era had a perverse culture, while Northern society was superior. This became the politically-correct mantra when 'teaching' about Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War for generations after the Civil Rights Movement.

The identity politics is only getting worse, and more blatant.

The narrative is not only infused heavily with liberal bias, but moreover, it is entirely wrong. Far too many Americans, both current students and adults, believe that the Civil War was a war about slavery. This liberalized version of history does not chronicle the political shenanigans that were undertaken by groups to harden their centralized (federal) grasp on power, as is still the case today.

Most Americans do not believe that this issue was at play during Lincoln's era, but they are so very wrong. The current political atmosphere in America is a testament to how ignorance of history forces a people to repeat it.


  1. Lincoln did what he had to do to preserve the Union. Our Civil War was the result of states trying to leave the Union. Lincoln used all means he could get by with to execute a victory.

    1. Our Civil War was the result of states trying to leave the Union.

      Correct. The Southern states formed their own nation only to be forced back into an involuntary association.

  2. I knew Lincoln was a tyrant but I had no idea how much of a
    tyrant he was and thus, our legacy today.
    After the War of Northern Aggression, many blacks went North
    only to find they were even less welcomed and returned to the South.
    Northern hypocrisy. A story I had read about a brother and
    sister who were born and raised in S. Africa had left there
    for these US. They went back for a visit. The sister was
    a liberal and the brother was a conservative. While traveling
    thru the townships of S.Africa, the sister was scared to
    death of the environment while the conservative brother felt
    comfortable. One would have thought it would have been the
    other way around.

    1. Yes blacks and whites get along much better in the South, no question abut it and the smaller the town, the friendlier we are.

  3. A wonderful article. Reminds me of Orwell's quote "The most
    effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate
    their own understanding of their own history." The KKK back
    then was a blessing in disguise as"no other way to survive"
    should not have included butchering people with hatchets and
    leave stealing nothing.
    During the occupation and reconstruction, which was to be a new South constructed replacing the old white society, the blacks were used to terrorize the Southern people and force the liberal changes dictated by the Federal Government which had been dominated by the radical leftist of the day since 1861 after the election of 1860. This was the cause of the more radical Ku Klux Klan to be formed as an arm of the old KGC.

    1. Well said.
