Monday, December 25, 2017

Artificial Intelligence: Dumber Than a 5-Year-Old, No Smarter Than a Rat, Researchers Say

Via Bill

robot at united nations meeting

CEOs dreaming of replacing their whiny, vacation-taking, sick-day-using human employees with a sleek fleet of never-complaining robots powered by artificial intelligence are going to be disappointed to learn AI is far behind the evolution of human development.

“The public thinks we know how to do far more than we do now,” Raymond Perrault, a scientist at SRI International, told the New York Times.

Artificial intelligence may be smart enough to learn the game of chess or flip hamburgers in a fast-food restaurant. But when it comes to common sense and decision-making skills, AI is way below the bar compared to adult human beings.

More @ PJ Media


  1. This is why I think that the SlaughterBots might be technology that is not a good idea.

  2. Have you a guess on the IQs of the illegals and refugees they are bringing in, this AI will probably be smarter and not be on Government assistance.
