Thursday, December 21, 2017

SCV response to removal of Confederate monuments in Memphis

Via comment by Reborn on Workers remove Nathan Bedford Forrest statue

Lee Millar from Sons of Confederate Veterans was on WMC Action News 5 to talk about the statues being removed.

 Millar said his group believes the city is breaking the law by removing the statues.

 “I think it’s a disgusting display by the city council and by the mayor to destroy some of Memphis history, especially this sham of a sale. We’re not through fighting,” Millar said.

 Millar said he was not at liberty to say what the next move the Sons of Confederate Veterans will take, but said there will be imminent action.

 “The city cannot sell land without a hearing, bidding it out and permitting other opportunities for others to do so,” Millar said. “But by selling it to a non-profit or anybody else, that’s a clear violation of the Heritage Protection Law.”

 Millar said the actions were a blatant attempt to circumvent the law, violating state cemetery law because the statue is the headstone of the graves of Nathan Bedford Forrest and his wife.

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