McConnell said, “2017 was the best year for conservatives in the 30 years that I’ve been here. The best year. On all fronts. And a lot of people are shocked. Because we didn’t know what we were getting with Donald Trump. He was doing fundraisers for Chuck Schumer three or four years ago.
But this has turned out to be a very solid, conservative, right of center, pro-business administration.
And we’re seeing the results of it.”
This turd is the biggest phony in history. He is no more "conservative" than Karl Marx was. He was one of the AUTHORS and a co-sponsor of the Clinton AWB. He helped craft(and voted for) the "Patriot act". He is one of the "leaders" and co-sponsors, behind "civil asset forfeiture". He has done everything he could over the last 30 years to destroy the constitution. How could he do this you might ask. Easy. He has run unopposed in all but one election. In that election his TEA party opponent dropped out days before the election. He "owns" his seat, and until about five years ago called Bill & Hillary "some of my best friends". --Ray
ReplyDeletecalled Bill & Hillary "some of my best friends"