Monday, March 5, 2018

Emily & Virginia Saigon '74/'75

My '52 Citroën
Getting ready to be picked up for a private English school with Co and Bob's son Chris. 

The End Of A Republic (My Citroen)

Tet '68 Bien Hoa/Long Binh, RV

Binh Duong
With Thuy at some restaurant.  I still have the tie. :)

My wedding party on the My Canh.
Their earthen bowl with brown rice and goodies was my favorite. 


  1. I ate frog legs at the My Canh floating restaurant.

    When it was blown up, some guys from my unit, the Phu Lam Signal Battalion, were killed.

    1. They've got some huge frog legs in the delta and sorry about your buddies.
