Thursday, March 15, 2018

Is history repeating before our eyes?

 Via John

In 1938, Hitler signed a new Gun Control Act. Once many “enemies of the state” had been removed from society, (by imprisoning gun club owners) some restrictions could be slightly liberalized, especially for Nazi Party members. 

The Hitler Youth had been created in the 1920’s. By 1933 its membership stood at 100,000. After Hitler came to power, all other youth movements were abolished and as a result the Hitler Youth grew quickly. In 1936, the figure stood at 4 million members.

The Hitler Youth were used to break up Church youth groups, and in anti-Church indoctrination, used to spy on religious classes and Bible studies, and interfere with church attendance. Education and training programs for the Hitler Youth were designed to undermine the values of the traditional elitist structures of German society along with their privileges; their training also aimed at an obliteration of social and intellectual distinctions between the classes, so as to be replaced and dominated by the political goals of Hitler's totalitarian dictatorship. Besides promoting a doctrine of classlessness, additional training was provided that linked state-identified enemies such as Jews with Germany's previous defeat in the First World War, and societal decline. 

 Folks we have seen this movie before.


  1. The psychologist tells us, listen to what an opponent accuses others of, and you know exactly what they are. Look at the modern progressive left. By accusing everyone they oppose of being Nazis, we know exactly what they are. And more important, how they will act.

    Look at the media. They have learned from Nazi propagandist, Joseph Goebbels, “If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself.” The nonstop lie the AR-15 is an assault rifle, is now believed. Sadly, many of stupid masses now believe the lie.

    They are following the exact path used to ban the “Confederate Flag” which anyone that knows history, knows the flag they banned was a battle flag and NEVER a Confederate States flag. Make no mistake, we are in a fight for our life. It is no secret the left wants nothing less than a full ban and confiscation of all citizens guns. That is the goal. We see them moving to that end every day.


    1. @Badger:

      Exactly right.

      The enemedia have not just learned from Goebbels, they've used decades of psy-op research to fine-tune things.

      They want guns banned, and then they want us dead. Why? Because they've successfully OTHERED us.

      Just like the Shoah (Holocaust), just like every other genocide (Ukraine, Kazakhstan, China, Cambodia... everywhere) people only willingly herd other people into camps or such when they've become convinced that doing so is a moral good because those being killed are irredeemably evil.

      And we are (smirk). We are for individual liberty, not collectivism. We're skeptical on "climate change" which is gonna kill all life on earth (ha!). We're heartless because we won't accede to having what we earn taken to feed the welfare rats. And so on.

      Just look at the antifa people; willing to use violence, because they see themselves as noble people fighting evil. Sooner or later someone's going to die at their hands. And, doubtless, they'll cheer it.

      I propose a 20:1 rule. For every one of us they kill, we take out 20.

  2. Problem is that unlike Germany in the 1930's we are not supposed to have a one party system. Or do we? No one in government. with few exceptions, is even trying to oppose abolishing the constitution. Most on both "sides" of the Omni party openly support dictatorship. No one in government is even trying to control or oppose the "rise" of radical communism. We have a President that in fact has publicly called for the summery death of "drug dealers", gun confiscation, universal federal ID , and Internal passports. You know who else did that? Ho Chi Mhin , Mao Zee Dong , Pol Pot, Hitler and Stalin. We also have a government trying to sell us on Nuclear war and permanent emigration with federal control of EVERY aspect of our lives. NO ONE in government is on our side, and "voting" with anything but rule .308 can no longer do anything to save us, from what is rapidly showing itself to be a monster. Those deluded children are simply doing what government wants them to do. Just remember that the "Hitler Youth" was a government program run and funded by the German state. Just as the university's are now. The federals have had "top down" control of education for almost 40 years. Almost 90% of all university and 60% of all local education funding is federal. This is happening because the federals want it to happen. Think about that.--Ray

    1. The federals have had "top down" control of education for almost 40 years.

      & we were told what they were going to do but discarded it.

  3. Genocide IS coming to this country and you are IT. Should the party of evil (the now Marxist Democratic party) and its' supporters (multinational companies, media, entertainment complex) have their way regarding gun confiscation, they are going to seek their revenge on you and me. They will never forgive us for voting for Trump. Never. They do consider us to be sub-humans who don't deserve to live. They will never forgive us for defying them. They do hate us and want us all dead. That is why the need gun confiscation, in order to murder us.

    1. That is why the need gun confiscation, in order to murder us.

      Fat chance with compliance.
