Monday, April 30, 2018

Netanyahu says Iran 'brazenly lying' after signing nuclear deal, moved documents to a secret location

 Israel Achieve

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu revealed new "dramatic" intelligence Monday which he claimed shows Iran is "brazenly lying" about its nuclear weapons program and shows the country is not complying with the vaunted nuclear deal it signed in 2015.

The information was obtained within the past 10 days, Israeli officials told Fox News. Netanyahu said the "half a ton" of files were moved to a "highly secret" location in Tehran after the deal was signed, and contained materials spread over 55,000 pages and 55,000 files on 183 CD's.

"These files conclusively prove that Iran is brazenly lying when it says it never had a nuclear weapons program," he said.

More @ Fox


  1. Frist, we have been hearing the chorus of "Iran will have a nuke tomorrow!!!" for nearly 20 years.

    Second, last time I checked Iran is passing the U.N. nuke inspections.

    Third, Israel is now in bed, like the U.S., with the Saudis who HATE Iran almost as much as the Israelis.

    Fourth, I hope that after roughly 18 years of U.S. warring in the middle east, along with all apparently the FALSE 'intellegence', used to justify this madness, we might be a little more reasoned in our approach to getting more deeply involved in these family squabbles.

    Or is our foreign policy, our national debt, and of course the blood of our young men and women just more fodder at the beck and call of foreign countries and interests?

    Funny how the neo-con, 'bomb, bomb, bomb, Iran' Bolton, gets the job and suddenly Iran is the international devil incarnate with weeks after he takes office, isn't it?

    Y'all have a nice day.

    1. I hope that after roughly 18 years of U.S. warring in the middle east, along with all apparently the FALSE 'intellegence', used to justify this madness, we might be a little more reasoned in our approach to getting more deeply involved in these family squabbles.

      You would think.

  2. You'd have to be a complete moron to buy these lies.
    Netanyahu suffers from sadistic personality disorder. Iran turned all its centrifuges and depleted Uranium over to the IAEA in 2013,
    Iran was allowed to keep a small amount of said Uranium that could never be used to produce Nuclear Weapons, The last inspection by the IAEA was February 22nd ,2018.
    In 2010 and 2012,Israel assassinated 3 Top Nuclear Scientists in Iran. US knew about it, but Israel was never held accountable for the killings.
    And Bolton, what was erroneously done to Gadaffi should be
    done to Bolton.
