Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Police: There's never a reason to carry a knife and people should surrender them.

Via Bill

Knife bin in Birmingham

People carrying knives are being encouraged to surrender their weapons during a community initiative to tackle knife crime in Birmingham.

Three secure metal bins where people can dispose of weapons have been set up across the city.
It follows several stabbings in the city last year.


  1. Ummm....I guess when you have already lost or never had gun rights, you obviously have to after the knives next. Then cars,clubs, axes, poisons, and the like...what a doofy system.

  2. All they need is, “Reasonable Knife Control and Registration Laws.”


  3. Having lived on the side of the pond for over a decade I understand the drone mentality. The government is your master an if you want the benefits you must obey the master. Sadly, the benefits you receive "free" are paid for by the draconian taxes you pay. It's all about Newton's 1st law of Motion applied to the culture, "Objects at rest tend to stay at rest or long term Social Complacency tends to remain Social Complacency especially when the peasants fear they'll lose their "social safety net".

  4. When I was growing up, every man and boy carried a knife. Where I live, they still do. Part of the 2nd amendment, IMO.
    The Brits of today are nothing like they used to be....truly sad.

    1. Yes and I never tire of hearing Henry V's speech.

      "I claim the glory of Agincourt, Trafalgar and the Battle of Britain as my birthright........

  5. I've been carrying a knife on me, almost daily for over 40 years. Why? Because it is better to have it (a knife) and not need it, than to need it and not have it. One attitude that pisses me off in a nanosecond is some elitist POS presuming to tell me what I do or do not need. A knife is one of those items that you pass on to your children that you have owned or once belonged to grandpa or great grandpa. But then, a liberal will not understand family history.

    1. a liberal will not understand family history.

      Yes, commies have that pegged down. When I was a boy, my Mother told me that every boy should have a good pocket knife.

    2. I carry a knife every time I go out. It's never stabbed anyone, or done anything other than open boxes.

      But I have it. Just in case.

  6. Carried a pocket knife daily for 48 years. Number of people I have stabbed or cut is zero. The number of uses on envelopes, boxes, rope, string, sharpening pencils, cutting food thousands of times. I am sure they are many just like me. In fact the VAST majority that carry a pocket knife have 're exact same experience. Hmmm.. no reason to carry a knife. So the problem is clearly the people who now occupy London

    1. So the problem is clearly the people who now occupy London

      For sure, unfortunately.

  7. What about that hard plastic packaging? You can't open it without a knife.

