Friday, June 8, 2018

Peafowl Bingo!

After 16 years of calling for a mate during breeding season, my Peacock hit the jackpot from the woods across the field. She (I  hope as aren't positive) seems perfectly at home after about 10 hours here and my Peacock is happy as can be. :) Wish I had my camera with me when I went outside once as the Peacock was chasing the Peahen around and around the box wood. :) Reminded me of a Laurel and Hardy show.


  1. Looks like a wonderful place to retire to.

    I keep getting told living in the country is too dangerous, which is probably opposite of the truth. Pretty birds. I've only seen them at zoos.

    1. opposite of the truth.

      Absolutely and where do you live?

    2. South Carolina. I admit the black counties could be dangerous.
