Saturday, June 9, 2018

Steve Hilton: Trump’s criticism of G-7 is ‘unprecedented’ scream the elite -- That’s the whole point of Trump!

 Image result for Steve Hilton

You know you’re getting somewhere when your opponents are all attacking you in the same way.

So President Trump should feel a strong sense of satisfaction with a job well done after leaving the slightly pointless Group of Seven (G-7) summit in Canada on Saturday for another likely far more consequential summit in Singapore with North Korea dictator Kim Jong Un.

The U.S. president’s critics are all using identical language in their denunciations of his policy positions.

More @ Fox


  1. I love it. President Trump has Trudeau and Macron screaming like 5 year olds after their favorite toys have been taken away. Heck, I'd vote for Trump if he was running for Emperor of the Universe.

    1. President Trump has Trudeau and Macron screaming like 5 year olds after their favorite toys have been taken away. Heck, I'd vote for Trump if he was running for Emperor of the Universe.


  2. "identical language of denunciations" is what the critics of Trump have when his critics masters issue their "talking points" to them. Spiro T. Agnew often used the term "effete pinko east coast snobs" when speaking of said masters. While i do not consider Agnew a praise worthy politician, he did come up with a choice descriptor for those dizziens of the skull and bones club set.

    1. I had forgotten about pinko. Should reinstall it. Commie pinko.:)

  3. I'd vote for him if he was just running for President of the UK>

  4. Attorney General Sessions Remarks at Immigration Judges Conference

    Y'all exist solely on the net.
    But what do I know?
    Stab another vein, be a zombie junkie.

    1. Bad link but this is good..
