Friday, August 17, 2018

Why do Democrats love socialism?

“Democrats more positive about socialism than capitalism,” blares the headline on a new poll by Gallup this week. According to the survey, 57 percent of Democrats and left leaners surveyed have a positive view of socialism, compared to just 47 percent of Democrats and left leaners who have a positive view of capitalism.

What the heck? There is only one way to read this: Way too many Democrats are simply uninformed. I am not saying they are stupid. I am not saying they are ignorant. I am saying they are uninformed. 

Sadly, that is not surprising, given the tripe that passes for “education” in our public schools. And it is even worse for those who go on to college. Most four-year universities and colleges in this country are populated by left-wing professors whose hatred for America is only surpassed by their sense of entitlement to the fruits of other people’s labor.

The typical graduate of the typical four-year college in this country thinks better of Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, and Ho Chi Minh than he or she does of Ronald Reagan.

More @ The Hill


  1. I disagree with the assertions of this article. For the high school/college level student, they can be cut some slack because they don't know any better. However, the "professor" - read - indoctrinators - have no excuse. I know quite a few of these people and if I had to sum up their personalities up in one word, it would be jealousy. Every single last one of them look at folks like Gates, Bezos, ET AL and seethe with rage at the amount of money they've been able to make. "Fauxcahontas" from Massachusetts is a perfect example, "You didn't make that!" but question her salary for teaching ONE class a year and she boils over with vemon, screeching, "I EARNED THAT!"
    But the root of this goes back the middle ages and the "Intellectuals" vs. The tradesmen. The intellectuals were employed as advisers by the nobility and the intellectuals looked down with great disdain on those who worked with their hands. The intellectual class prided itself on having ALL the answers for the nobility. But every now and again someone from the tradesmen class would prove them wrong - usually in front of their noble patrons and the house of cards would be kicked over - Sir Walter Raleigh comes to mind - said intellectuals would usually resort to "I've been educated at the finest schools, who are you going to believe, me or them?" sound familiar?
