Monday, October 15, 2018

Censorship As Civil War–hide the truth and keep your enemies silent!

Image result for Censorship As Civil War–hide the truth and keep your enemies silent!

Civil war comes in many forms–two opposing factions vying for control of a government; one group striving for control of a government while their opposition (usually ordinary folks) don’t even recognize what is going on; one revolutionary group (usually behind the scenes, often in government, financing and guiding radicals in the streets and enabling them to commit “uncivil acts” (Hillary’s term) against the general population to scare them in order to keep them from exercising their mandate to vote and take part in the political life of the nation. There are probably other examples, but you get the idea.

1 comment:

  1. Education as civil war--please check out latest article on
    posted on 10/17/18
