Monday, October 22, 2018

GREAT NEWS: Category 5 Hurricane Willa Headed Directly Toward 10,000 Migrant Caravan Path

Via Stephanie 


Update 10/22: Hurricane Willa, as reported by the National Hurricane Center, is now a Category 5 hurricane.

It appears that the migrant caravan, which has been reported to upward of 10,000 strong, might run into some extra trouble on their march to seek American asylum. A massive hurricane (named Willa) is set to cross the path that the migrants will eventually cross.
There’s also a slightly smaller disturbance named Vincente to the south of Willa that meteorologists say will be consumed by the massively growing Willa, but will still pose a threat for dangerous conditions for the caravan, which has already seen its fair share of struggles with food, sanitation and organization. reports: