Sunday, November 4, 2018



2018 is the 170th anniversary of the 1848 socialist/communist revolts in Europe that I have so often written about. The year I was born, 1938, was only the 90th anniversary of those revolts. When I was born they were less than a century past. Just goes to show you how fast time passes when you’re having fun.

Often I have reflected back on those revolts and how they have affected our history in this country and just who was ultimately responsible for those revolts. I think you can trace the original sources responsible for those revolts back to the French Revolution and those that hired a third-rate political hack, Karl Marx, to write the Communist Manifesto. 


  1. Please check out latest history article posted on on 11/7.

  2. Please check out latest on about Gerrit Smith, one of those who financed terrorist John Brown at Harpers Ferry, Virginia. Posted on 11/11/18
