Friday, November 9, 2018

Why Aren’t Americans Interested in History?


Posted Nation Above All yesterday which alludes to some of the subject matter.

The study of history cannot be neatly contained behind the tall foreboding doors of an ivory tower nor swept under the rugs of dusty corner offices housing stacks of paper. It bleeds into other fields as it serves to inform both individual and group identity. It gives context to the current world and helps one understand their place in it culturally, socially, and spiritually. The modern disinterest in studying history has more to do with a lack of identification with the subject matter presented than it does an actual disdain for stories of the past.


  1. To learn history, you have to be taught history. When the blueprint your teachers use is Zinn's bullshit, then you're off to a bad start down the wrong road.

    You can lay where we're at in this nightmare directly at the feet of our country's Enemy #1, the teacher's unions.

    Not only have their ludicrous wage, pension & benny demands(open their positions up to a real market clearing price) put practically every municipality in the country on the edge of bankruptcy causing skyrocketing property tax increases but they have also churned out millions & millions of young adults devoid of our traditions, culture and history.

    Instead of celebrating our great country, we're made out as thieves and soulless masters. The ills of the world are our fault.

    Eff them. You want real change, I'll give it to you in 1 word, vouchers. It took these bastards 100 years to virtually destroy this country and rolling it back won't happen quickly.

    1. Eff them. You want real change, I'll give it to you in 1 word, vouchers. It took these bastards 100 years to virtually destroy this country and rolling it back won't happen quickly.

      Fully agree.

  2. Vouchers would let a 1,000 Flowers Bloom as the old saying goes. Competition and choice would open opportunities for our young people, put them out into the real world with skills with which they could immediately begin earning and without 10s of 1,000s in student debt.

    We pay for this education with ever rising property taxes and it's a crime what school boards allow.

    1. We pay for this education with ever rising property taxes and it's a crime what school boards allow.

      & receive no tax decrease if you send your child to private school. I advise all these days to go into the trades and certainly not the PC armed services.
