Monday, December 24, 2018

All’s unfair in love, war: Media’s extraordinary hypocrisy on Trump

 Image result for All’s unfair in love, war: Media’s extraordinary hypocrisy on Trump

I watched with amusement the past few days as the news media savaged President Donald Trump, first for forcing some ex-generals off his team and then for drawing down troops from the conflicts in Syria and Afghanistan.

My colleagues at many publications and networks were in full-throated hysteria, suggesting the nation is approaching the brink of disaster. Some actually used that very word.

Things sounded so dire that I almost felt like I was reading a chapter from the Book of Revelations or a script from a new Bruce Willis movie. Take, for example:

More @ The Hill


  1. Another example of revisionist history...or 'inconvenient forgetting'?

    The Left sure did love them some 'general firing'...when Truman and MacArthur were about.
