Monday, February 11, 2019

A Party Of Bigots

Jew-hating congresswoman Ilhan Omar tweeted a standard anti-Semitic trope on Sunday. As Ben Shapiro explained in his piece today, anti-Semitism is endemic in the modern Democratic Party. Rep. Rashida Tlaib, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Keith Ellison have all been guilty of it, though Omar might be the most explicit and gleeful in her anti-Jewish bigotry.

Bigotry is a common theme among Democrats. This, after all, is the party that subjects Christian judges to unconstitutional religious tests, examining their belief systems and their religious affiliations. In one of the most bigoted statements uttered by an American politician in recent memory, Senator Dianne Feinstein famously told Amy Coney Barrett that her Catholic dogma "lives loudly within" her. "That's a concern," she added.


  1. So many excellent examples of the Left's QUICK MARCH into oblivion. This not a new trend. But, it could be seen as a REBIRTH, or Accelerated Pace toward destruction. Here is an interesting blog at Patriot retort. I didn't realize this guy was still around. "I ain't Dead Yet."

    1. Thanks and I'm listening to his reply on Trump's address.
