Wednesday, February 20, 2019

British Town without Britons

Via David "I can't place the accent.  This is a 10 minute video about how a town in Britain has changed from being 100% British to 100% Arab.  There are statistics of other towns and how they're changing as well.
Never mind what we've all heard about France, Germany, Sweden, etc., the fact that the politicians see this, see the crimes, etc., and STILL HOLD THE COURSE tells me there's some central driver to this.  NO POLITICIAN who had a shred of love for their country would maintain this path given the obvious consequences.
Who... what... has a hold on people this strong that they'll willingly accede to their countries being successfully invaded?"


  1. Looks like the commentator is blaming the entire transformation of the town on....Ta Da: "White Flight".

    1. Yes, they should remain Useful Idiots and go along with the program......:)

  2. The only way that these civilizational traitors could stay this course would be if they have become convinced their own civilization, cultures, and race are evil.

    1. have become convinced their own civilization, cultures, and race are evil.

      Power and filthy lucre reign supreme.

  3. These muslims remind me of a horror movie I rented from a video
    store about eight yrs. ago. I had never seen a muslim. The
    horror in the movie were black garbed characters just like muslims wear and they floated off the ground by about a foot.
    Whenever I see a pic of these black garbed costumed characters,
    I think of that movie. Horrors!
