Sunday, February 17, 2019

Jussie Smollett Helped Get Anti-Lynching Bill Passed

Via Gleason Long

Why should someone be afford "extra" and redundant protection under the law because of their race, creed or color if we are all equal? The law of the land

should apply equally to everyone. I cannot think of a single instance where any "hate crime legislation" would ever be needed if a crime were committed against anyone.


  1. Just another case of how things get done. Nothing to see here folks. Deny, deflect and cover-up. The M.O. of the Deep State for DECADES.

    Here is an excerpt of a speech (early 2000s) that lays it all out.

  2. The worm, Smollett, walked around with the noose around his neck.
    Psychologist's would probably call this 'Noose Envy'.
