Thursday, February 21, 2019

Video: Sanders in 1985 praising Castro and admitting he advised Ortega how to fight the United States.

Via Clint Lacy 


  1. I'm shocked, shocked!

  2. FRIGGAN TRAITOR! And who was the interviewer? Where is she today? She looks like Rachael Mad Cow.

    1. She looks like Rachael Mad Cow.

      Good eyes. I thought it was a he until it spoke. :)

  3. Say, what's that definition of treason again?

    THIS is the kind of person the Left puts up to run for our President. Book mark this in case he gets close...

  4. "Democracy is indispensable to socialism." -- V. I. Lenin Voters required to vote for a socialist must be dumbdowned and indoctrinated which our educational system has done frighteningly well. These modern "useful idiots" believe they will have the prosperity and freedom they have now--and more. But as Jefferson said, "they will lose both and deserve neither." As a good quote I've seen says, "Socialism is not for the socialist." It will take from you and control you. And those who dissent and resist will be jailed or killed. But I'm sure they will say, "oh, but that can't happen here!" Educate others and stay armed my friends. --Ron W

    1. "oh, but that can't happen here!" Educate others and stay armed my friends


  5. Duh...why would anyone be surprised?

    As has been oft repeated, they HATE the U.S. as founded, they HATE the people who founded it, the HATE their posterity, i.e. us, and they mean to destroy it and us by any and every means necessary. Immigration, legal and illegal is their main thrust and they have all but realized their dream to seize power.


    Once they have the balance of power they will simply 'vote' the changes they want leaving Biblical Constitutional principles but ashes on the waste pile of history. Keep in mind Trump LOST the national ballot and has accomplished nothing to stem the tidal wave of third world peoples that will insure the victory of the left.

    Y'all have a nice day.
