Saturday, March 16, 2019

Why doesn’t Mexico have a black history month like the USA does when there are 5 cities in Mexico containing African Ancestry, and the government including one of the presidents who was also black?

Alanna López
Alanna López, lived in Mexico City

Look dear, we as Mexicans don’t discriminate people because of where they come from, we just don’t care.

Now, let me explain, because while we may be classists and actually discriminate towards people with darker skins (even though everybody will deny it if you ask them), the origins of people are not important at all.

For example:

In America:

-I’m of African Ancestry

-Ohh, I feel sorry for the oppression of your people

In Mexico:

-I’m of African Ancestry

-… So? what do you want? a prize or something?

Your people care so much that there’s a black history month, Mexicans are acid and always love to make fun of everything, so we don’t bother about such things, we may actually make a joke about it, but in good fun.

I’m not used to answering questions, but this is one of those cases where Americans care too much about non important things, I just had to say something.


  1. Replies
    1. Sterling, Old Chap! Amazing to have to leave the states to find some.

  2. What it means is that the Gramsci communists were successful in using class as a weapon in Mexican politics but instead used race and gender in their war against US capitalism. You can see that war playing out all around you and especially in the university system that is filled with the Bill Ayers communist elite. Mexico is less a threat to them than the US but perhaps the NAFTA rebuild will bring more heat to the politics of Mexico.

    1. Thanks and in Guadalajara, there are many people who look Caucasian who evidently married within their class. If I saw them in the states, I wouldn't know the difference and the same here with me vice versa.

  3. Yeah, there is no racism in Mexico, it is just a big joke. hahaha.
