Thursday, April 18, 2019

Things That Can’t Go on Forever Simply Don’t

The present identity-politics divisiveness is not a sustainable model for a multiracial nation, and it will soon reach its natural limits one way or another.

Economist Herbert Stein’s old adage – “If something cannot go on forever, it will stop” – still holds.

Take illegal immigration.

There are currently somewhere from eleven million to 15 million immigrants living in the United States without legal authorization. Last month, nearly 100,000 people were apprehended or turned away while trying to illegally cross the southern border. Some experts suggest that at least that number made it across without arrest. At that rate, the United States would be gaining a fairly large city of undocumented arrivals each month.

More @ NRO


  1. So while these activists are out advocating "no border wall", suppose they should return to their dwellings wherein they find "undocumented residents" who happen to have been released while awaiting an immigration court appearance. Will they allow them to stay until then? Or will they either throw them out themselves or call law enforcement to remove them by force? --Ron W

    1. 3 guesses and the first two don't count. :) What is your analysis of the C-5A picture?

    2. Is that the picture above? Looks like those whose criminal actions would be or have been facilitated by a lack of a border wall, but who still expect to be protected by their own walls and laws against those who breech them. That is, they expect to be protected by the very legal system against which they protest. Crazy! --Ron W

    3. Agreed and this one: I can't sort out the picture positively.

    4. Oh, that C5A crash pic. Sorry! Yes! That's some mangled bodies. I did see a clear badly displaced, open, distal tibia fracture. I worked as an ortho tech in orthpaedics at VUMC in Nashville for 40 years. --Ron W

    5. I can't make out how many bodies there are and assume there are parts of ones in the pile. The open wound one looks like the front leg but the top part looks like the back.

  2. My rational conclusion: We are DOOMED!
