Saturday, May 25, 2019

Unhinged Deutsch: Trump Is a ‘Sociopath’ Who Won’t Leave Office If He Loses

Via Billy

",,,,,,,, If you look throughout history and you become a student of history and the worst of what humans have done throughout history, Trump is using that play book in every way you possibly can… And we should be very frightened. It is not just saying, ‘Oh, authoritarian tendencies.’ I believe this man is capable of horrific deeds. I'm not saying specifically what that is, but let your imagination go. Do not kid yourself. If he gets voted out of office, he will say it was fake. He will say the polls were rigged. He will tell his people to take to the streets. People have to understand this is not a man who is playing with any boundaries on what a normal civilization and normal democracy has."


  1. About the only thing left for Trump's detractors to say about him is: He is a bed wetting, booger eating, big, fat, poopy head! As for Mr. Deutsch, he clearly is in need of adult supervision and to take his meds as prescribed, or if he is, then the dosage needs to be increased.

    1. Mr. Deutsch, he clearly is in need of adult supervision and to take his meds as prescribed, or if he is, then the dosage needs to be increased.


  2. Yes, Deutsch is unhinged.
    But, Trump doesn't use common sense when he makes remarks about a 5th term.

  3. He is engaging in the logic fallacy of 'begging the question', and the inferior opponents sophistry of character assassination. Common tactics of the arts degree holding Marxist. Don't let them fool you, we live in a socialist matriarch, where perception has become nine tenths the rule of 'law', thanks to a group think consensus of BAR members (where crime pays everyday).
