Friday, May 17, 2019

WAYNE ALLYN ROOT: Hard facts: Donald Trump saved the country

I get letters from liberal critics. Every time I report that President Donald Trump has saved the U.S. economy, they claim I’m lying.

And conversely, every time I report Barack Obama ruined the U.S. economy, they claim I’m lying.

Well the proof is out. Liberals, as usual, are wrong. How many times can they be wrong and maintain any credibility?

According to a new analysis by Pew Research — based on hard facts — the Obama years were a nightmare for the 50 states. That’s exactly what I’ve been saying. And Trump’s economic policies have saved those same 50 states. Trump saved the union. That’s exactly what I’ve been saying.


  1. I wouldn't say he's saved the country. But he most definitely has staved off the impending collapse at least for a while.

    1. & he gives us a show by causing the foe to lose their minds. :)
