Saturday, November 30, 2019

Thanksgiving 2019


 YUM! :)

 Christine Townsend

Made my Dad potato pancakes. He had no flour so I coated them in grits and fried them. Mary Susan Adams collards! 😋

Image may contain: sky, tree, cloud, outdoor and nature



  1. Wonderful photos, Brock. I'm delighted to see you and your family had a peaceful Thanksgiving. :)

  2. Beautiful, Brock. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Happy thanksgiving Brock. Your family is so sweet! Your home is amazing too, I do like traditional decor!
    We spent the holiday alone, the first time ever, if you can imagine. The family was in various stages of the flu and we choose to stay home and not share in the festivities of all that. :D
    Just finished up our traditional Sunday after thanksgiving breakfast of fried ham, fried rolls, and eggs. Your daughter is a smart cookie improvising grits for flour, lol. I bet she’s a great cook. Love it!
    Take care,

    1. Well, haven't heard from you in a Coons age! :) If we were closer we could have shared it together. How is the place coming as far as is there anything else to do other than day to day chores by now? Got to get together. XXX000

  4. Well, it’s been a cross between a full blown circus and a whirling dervish here.
    Yes, there’s still plenty to do building this place. We figure it will be at least two more years before we can rest on our laurels before we take on more projects. ��So far this year we’ve managed to get the entire building insulated, several hundred feet of trenches dug for propane, water lines, electrical lines, and the last of the sewer line. Sewer is finished and the gas line is laid. The water and electric is laid to the chicken coop. We’ll have to finish trenching and laying water and electric down to where the hogs will be and a future saw mill. We still will have to do the same for a barn...and build a barn. :D. The whole area outside looks like a giant gopher has been at work.
    We also built six more raised garden beds, put in a raspberry patch, and a new strawberry patch. All while the husband working until he had a knee replacement in June and a subsequent quadruple bypass the end of September. He’s doing pretty good now and I have to watch him like a hawk to make sure he is not getting too crazy working before the doc says it’s okay.
    We are hoping to get the tongue and groove wood up on the ceiling of the multi purpose room before Christmas. After Christmas we’ll tackle the trim work.
    A lot of work, yes! But it beats sitting around watching tv, watching the news and wanting to find a grove of tall trees to throw ropes over to rectify the politician problem we have in this country.
    Sorry, this turned into a book, lol.
    You’ll be hearing from me soon,

    1. Goodness, you have been busy! I thought the barn was the first thing you did....?

      Quadruple bypass: that must have been worrisome. Tell him I wish him the best.

      Are you going to operate a commercial saw mill?

      it beats sitting around watching tv, watching the news and wanting to find a grove of tall trees to throw ropes over to rectify the politician problem we have in this country.

      Ain't that the truth.:(:) I've got to come visit and maybe we might actually meet in the South one day after 4? failed attempts!
