Saturday, December 21, 2019

86 of VA’s 95 counties declare themselves 2nd Amendment sanctuaries

Via Cousin Joel

 Image result for 86 of VA’s 95 counties declare themselves 2nd Amendment sanctuaries

Just over 90 percent of Virginia’s counties have already passed resolutions designating themselves Second Amendment “sanctuaries,” since Democratic lawmakers won control of the state’s legislature on Nov. 5 and have vowed to bring strict gun control to the state.

Some 86 of Virginia’s 95 counties have adopted language intended to deprioritize the enforcement of new gun laws, according to the Washington Examiner. Another 15 cities and towns have also brought up their own sanctuary language, in anticipation of new gun laws proposed by the Virginia Governor Ralph Northam and the newly Democratic majority set to take control in 2020.
Stafford, Prince Edward, and York counties were the latest to join the movement, as well as the town of Vinton. Between those towns, cities and counties, a total of 101 Virginia localities have voted for the sanctuary resolutions.
“I did not think it would be that high of a number,” said Culpeper County Sheriff Scott Jenkins. “It’s an organic thing that just took off after Election Day. Elections have consequences and this is the result. This has truly rocked the conservative, libertarian group’s core. It has really shook a lot of them awake. They are fully awake.”


  1. Here's the applicable section of the Virginia State Constitution, the OBJECTIVE WORDING of which puts ALL these proposed gun laws AGAINST THE PEOPLE in the illegal category.

    Article I. Bill of Rights
    Section 13. Militia; standing armies; military subordinate to civil power
    That a well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state, therefore, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed; that standing armies, in time of peace, should be avoided as dangerous to liberty; and that in all cases the military should be under strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil power.

    Their State motto on their State flag correctlyapplies to any who would attempt to enforce such criminality against Virginians.--Ron W

    1. Their State motto on their State flag correctlyapplies to any who would attempt to enforce such criminality against Virginians.

      As I remember, the current flag was changed when they seceded and for some reasons our detractors haven't jumped on this.

  2. Not a lawyer, but I wonder if there is a challenge to "Baker vs Carr" hiding here, If 90% of the counties feel they are not represented in Richmond.
    If rural America wants representation, "Baker vs Carr" must be reversed.

    1. Thanks and found a video.
