Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Autopsy Doctor reveals Epstein injuries show fight and struggle before death

Via Jessica Hult

 The images, which were obtained by 60 Minutes and shown publicly for the first time on Sunday, were taken by the New York City medical examiner's office after Jeffrey Epstein killed himself in his federal prison cell

truepundit reports:  ​Dr Michael Baden, who was hired by Epstein’s brother to investigate the death and was present during the autopsy, said there was no image taken of the 66-year-old inside his cell. He said that without that photo it was difficult to determine Epstein’s cause of death and said the official ruling was ‘premature judgment’.

 Dr Baden believes the forensic evidence released so far in Epstein’s death points more to murder and strangulation rather than suicide. 
Now months later. Baden points out the noose found in Epstein’s cell did not appear to have any blood on it despite the image from his autopsy showing a wound around his neck. Dr Baden said the wound across Epstein’s neck was more common with someone who has been strangled with a wire instead of a hanging. Epstein also suffered injuries to his hands, shoulders and had contusions — all injuries consistent with a physical, defensive struggle before his death.

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