Monday, February 3, 2020

Censorship 7 U.K. Cities Cancel Franklin Graham For Crime Of Believing The Bible

Via Billy

7 U.K. Cities Cancel Franklin Graham For Crime Of Believing The Bible

Evangelist Franklin Graham certainly fits the criteria for leftist outrage target. Not only has he notably defended President Trump, Graham also believes the Bible and wants to share it with the world.

It’s no surprise, then, that Graham has once again fallen victim to the intolerance of a leftist horde well-versed in silencing any voice with which they disagree. This time, it’s Britain’s Liverpool Labour LGBT Network leading the charge by pressuring its city’s local government to cancel Graham’s upcoming speaking engagement. Terrified of straying out of favor with those who can summon placards and protest, Liverpool’s ACC conference center duly agreed to pull the plug.


  1. I too am guilty of this sin as judged by the adherents of secularism. It reminds me of a quote from whom I forget: "It is better to be despised by the despicable than admired by the admirable."

    --Ron W
