Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Progressive Californians should embrace secession


Progressive California lawmakers have decided to create their own Green New Deal in order to combat both climate change and statewide problems like poverty. The best way to accomplish this, especially given the likelihood of Donald Trump’s re-election, would be to leave the Union behind and become our own independent Country. This is obviously a radical proposal with many obstacles to overcome but the benefits would be enormous, extending beyond the scope of the Green new deal.

The first issue that needs to be addressed is whether or not secession is legal.

This may be shocking to some but yes, it is legal for a state to leave the Union. There are two ways California could secede: unilaterally or with the consent of the other States. Since secession is never mentioned in the constitution it falls under the tenth amendment which makes clear that any rights not explicitly given to the federal government, via the constitution, are retained by the states. That means California can leave the Union whenever she wants. That’s the radical unilateral option.


  1. That is a chickenshit 'solution'. It is in lieu of the real solution which is to go on to Craptomento and force every single one of those charlatans and all their staff to flee the USA. Because we're nice, the get 24 hours.

    What good is it that should we sacrifice any lands to the commies?


    1. Craptomento and force every single one of those charlatans and all their staff to flee

      & take all their illegal aliens with them

  2. Brock, In those Kurt Schlichter books I mentioned yesterday, the BLUE States do this very thing. Hawaii, California, Nevada, Oregon and Washington on the left coast, along with Wisconsin, Michigan most of Illinois, Indiana and Ohio, all of the North East States, down the East Coast to include Virginia, secede from the union in pursuit of their Progressive Liberal DemonRat Green New Deal Social Justice Dreams. Basically leaving the "Racist RED" States to fend for themselves. As one might imagine their "GRAND Utopian Dream" doesn't last very long, and they want changes to the original deal... And Neither would this scheme. But that is OKAY. They make their bed and have to sleep in it.

    1. They make their bed and have to sleep in it.

      I can hear Mother now.

  3. If secession Wasa viable alternative The War Of Northern Aggression would not have happened. Secession would REQUIRE an affirmative act by Congress. That is simply not going to happen.

  4. The 10th Amendment to the US Constitution states that 'The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.' Basically, what this amendment is saying is that all rights not surrendered by the states still belong to them. Secession is not mentioned in the Constitution, thus, the States return it. And there you have the single greatest argument for secession.

  5. A union, as is the U.S., "pinned together with bayonets", is no union at all. That is unless you believe that forcing a raped woman to marry her rapist is a wonderful example of a union.

    I wish them success and will do all I can to help them achieve their goal, accepting the premise that government, to be just and legitimate, must originate from the will of the governed. Otherwise it is, by definition, tyranny.

    Y'all have a nice day.

    1. must originate from the will of the governed.

      Tyrant Lincoln, we's calling....:)

  6. California has been a de facto independent country for decades. Shop online and every purchase has some kind of special Ca requirement. They have their own environmental standards, immigration and welfare. They have their own gun restrictions. They nullify Federal Drug and immigration law. It is but, a small step to secede. I would like to see Southern States act with the same balls.l
