Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The Most Tragic Case of Governmental, Medical, and Media Malpractice In the History of the World

Via Billy

The Most Tragic Case of Governmental, Medical, and Media Malpractice In the History of the World

Just over two months ago, I spoke with an infectious disease doctor who not only believed that millions of Americans had already been exposed to COVID-19, but that the lockdowns were counterproductive and we needed to let herd Immunity take hold in our nation.

Two months ago.

With each passing day, we are told that multiple more Americans were in-fact exposed to the virus than the “experts” suspected.  Or more to the point…guessed.

I will keep asking this question until the groupthink-thought-police come to arrest me:  “When has it ever been sound medical or governmental practice to sacrifice – and destroy – the economic, mental, and physical well-being of the 99 percent to MAYBE protect and save the one percent...or less?


More @ Townhall


  1. There is a good you tube piece titled "Dr Mercola interviews Judy Mikovits" that exposes the CDC, NIH administrative state, including Fauci,that will disgust even the most hardened. There are many other pieces out there with her being interviewed. Time to lock them up.
