Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Man spray paints ‘white lives matter’ on statue of black hero Arthur Ashe

Via Skid

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Vandals in Richmond, Virginia reportedly painted “white lives matter” on a statue of Arthur Ashe, a historic black tennis champion and civil rights activist.

Photos of the graffiti were shared on Twitter Wednesday morning. The statue was also defaced with the initials “WLM.” Photos showed a white man vandalizing the statue. Activists said that he identified himself as “everyone.”

More @ Raw Story


  1. Good! About time we started fighting back and using their playbook.

  2. Blacks don't have many statues to pull down. Shouldn't take long. No one liked the Ashe statue anyway. As I recall, it was a gay statue, not a black one. Then there is that hideous MLK monument in DC. made in china, but all the right kickbacks paid to the king family, so, all good.


    1. Blacks don't have many statues to pull down. Shouldn't take long.

      Priceless. :)

  3. Tear down each and every statue that is in praise of any communist hero, and/or satanic worship as well.

    1. Agreed. I'm worried that the commies will go to the Richmond and Raleigh graveyards and start tearing down there.

      Strange, many years ago I was there by myself visiting my parents and kin just before they closed the gates and I felt a stillness come over me and thought that I should just lay down beside my mother's grave and spend the night.

