Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Philly Gun Store Owner Blasts Would Be Thief with AR-15 During Attempted Looting – One Dead

Via John via The Gateway Pundit

A south Philly gun store owner shot and killed a looter trying to get into his store early on Tuesday morning.

Looters attempted to break into the same store the previous night.

So the owner of Firing Line, Inc. stayed at the store last night and was waiting when the looters came back to his store.

This time when the looters broke in and pointed a gun at the store owner he blasted them with an AR15.

The looter died in his parking lot with his gun found between his legs.


  1. It will be interesting to see how the local police, prosecutor, and judges treat this guy. It's Philly. They are all in the same anti-gun political party.

    1. Yes and in case you missed it.https://freenorthcarolina.blogspot.com/2020/05/philadelphia-observations-from-in-law.html

  2. Not a bug, a feature! One less moron the people of PA has to incarcerate 20 to life... I agree with your earlier sentiment, "Kill them all and let God sort them out" One caveat, make the parents pick up the body and carry it away themselves.

  3. In an anti 2A place like Philly the facts aren't relevant. The gun store owner will probably face charges and it's a guarantee he will be sued by the ground apes relatives.

  4. They should all be shot when active looting is seen.
    Get rid of the gene pool, permanently.
    Back in the olden days you were a hero.

    1. Fully agree as rioters used to be shot on sight as I remember. It's the only way to stop it immediately which should be done or more innocents will die.
