Saturday, June 20, 2020

Protesters tear down parts of Confederate monument at NC State Capitol

Makes me want to cry as I walked to the park everyday with my PaPa to feed the squirrels. :(

Protesters in downtown Raleigh on Friday night tore down two statues on a Confederate monument at the State Capitol.

The monument has a statue on either side. At around 9 p.m., protesters used a strap to pull down one statue before quickly removing the second one. Both statues were dragged in the street and eventually tied to light fixtures and pulled up to mimic hangings.

More @ WRAL


  1. The people who do this think they're making a better society, or they're doing it for spite. While history ain't pretty they can never destroy it. No one can take the glory our Confederate ancestors harvested away from us, nor ever see their memory dimmed. God bless the South.

    Louis Jenkins

  2. Were they wearing masks? /sarc

    Does this mean that insufficient number of armed people would muster to protect the monument from the ravenous mob?


    1. Does this mean that insufficient number of armed people would muster to protect the monument from the ravenous mob?

      Right now it seems virtually no one and there have to be more than sufficient numbers in the Raleigh area.

  3. Why do the police not stop vandalism. In broad daylight. What is the damn hold up?
