Friday, July 17, 2020

Comment on "City Councilwoman Tells Cop To Take His ‘White Self...."

"City Councilwoman Tells Cop To Take His ‘White Sel...": 

 Hopefully Not The Last Post



An oldie from Ol’ Remus:

Ol’ Remus

With all the recent troubles we’re again being invited to an honest and open conversation about race, or said differently, the browbeatings will be resumed. Try this for honest and open: many of us, probably most of us, are tired of your whining, your so-called grievances, your violence and crime, your insults and threats, your witless blather and pornographic demeanor—all of it. You’re not quite 13% of the population yet everything has to be about you, all day, every day. With you, facts aren’t facts, everything’s a kozmik krisis, and abusive confrontations are your go-to.

 More @ WRSA

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