Saturday, September 5, 2020

Antifa Reality Check

Via Jonathan

Antifa Reality Check

“Very basic background. My friend is a prior service 1st LAR 0311, 0351. (from Wiki: 1st Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion is a fast and mobilized armored terrestrial reconnaissance battalion of the United States Marine Corps.) Multiple tours in the early to late 2000s, then DoE, then was put through selection and went to work for Colonel G____ as a team member. Since leaving, he has been doing contract work.

He is an experienced and capable meat eater and the furthest thing from a pussy or coward. Try to learn from his experiences.


  1. It is clear that any attempt to pacify Portland must employ a significant force so well armed that the rioters won't stand a chance before it. At this time they own the city.

    1. Thanks and the force that was sent to take care of the Federal Building did quite well, but more of the same caliber would be in order as you said. :)

  2. And the experienced MEAT EATERS ran.Rah Rah Rah yeah lets get some. LOL. Experienced ARMED operators who became confused. Lights, lasers, noise, lions and tigers and bears ohh my! Yeah OK.U da mann alright. I'd trust a 17 year old first.

    1. I imagine that there are those who will take umbrage with your comment.


    2. To "Anonymous" coward: judging from your comment, you are vegan (which is a nice way for you to inform your opponents "free-range grain fed"), your reality check will be coming soon. Remember, after all the BS we have tolerated from you, your crying isn't going to help change our minds when we come for you too.

  3. I'm seriously curious about something. I understand why people who get trapped in the middle of these riots have to be concerned about accidentally hitting a by-stander if they choose to employ lethal force to defend themselves. Because I can see the augment (but I don't agree) that the media has used to absolve all participants even though they're the ones who chose to stick around even after things turn violent and therefore criminal.

    But I was under the impression, and I may be wrong, but if a mob were to form or split off from a larger riot and actually come to my home wouldn't I as the homeowner have a right to fire at the crowd at large if any of the members shoot at my home or throw possible incendiary devices? Wouldn't they all be accomplishes or accessories to the lethal threats against me even if they may only be provided cover for the illegal actions of their members?

    I live in Tennessee by the way.

    1. A point I've made many times myself. But is never explored. However at this stage of the game LE takes ANTIFABLMs side automatically. LE is going to need to make some decisions here real quick.

  4. They appear to have neglected the planning stage.

    1. Next time they won't and fortunately they got out of there.

  5. Brock, I'm having trouble accessing the site. Anyone else having trouble?

    1. Yes,

      You were visiting a Cloudflare customer’s website, and something went wrong. Don’t worry, it’s not your fault. If the problem isn’t resolved in the next few minutes, it’s most likely an issue with the web server you were trying to reach.

      Cloudflare protects websites by sitting in front of Internet requests, and we work with website owners and hosting providers to identify underlying problems in their server configuration.

  6. If you are going to "show the flag" you go in heavy enough that the enemy is afraid to attack you.

    These guys went in with a recon/stealth sized force and nearly got killed for it. If you are doing recon, dress like the enemy and don't call attention to yourself.

    If you are going to attack the enemy on their turf, then you better be prepared to shoot and have enough of a force to protect yourselves.

    As a thought experiment, a couple guys with suppressed 22 rifles outside the perimeter could cause a whole lot of confusion in the antifa crowd. Just as a thought experiment. Not suggesting anyone commit an illegal act.

    1. Not suggesting anyone commit an illegal act.

      Of course......:)
