Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Trump Says He’s Up For A Four-Hour Debate Moderated By Joe Rogan

Joe Biden's top 10 gaffes

 This would be devastating to Biden, so won't happen.

 A long form debate with a neutral moderator.
No fake audience reactions.
No biased questions.
Neutral camera positions.
No sound bite length responses.
Just their respective policies explained to us.
Please @realDonaldTrump and @JoeBiden make it happen. #debate #joerogandebate

Joe Rogan has offered to moderate a four-hour debate between President Trump and Joe Biden.
On Monday, Trump took up the offer.

 More @ The Daily Wire


  1. There are no neutral moderators or unbiased questions. Every question will make one party look good at the expense of the other. So Biden won't have much to say other than being from Scranton. He can't run on his career of zero results and total corruption. And the bumper sticker,"Not as corrupt as Hillary" is only going to get him so far.
    As it is, Biden expects to be carried along by the ability of the party machine to generate 43% of the vote.


  2. Yes, I agree. There is no unbiased moderator for a political debate. So the best way is to have each candidate bring their own questioner for their opponent. The moderator would only keep the time and make sure questions were alternated. If I were a candidate, that's what I would propose: "you bring your questioner for me and I'll bring mine for you".
    --Ron W

    1. In a Debating Society the moderator doesn't ask questions, just keeps order. The one we had with John and the two women was a disaster and the women will never be invited again.

    2. Exactly! The Republican presidential candidate is always at a disadvantage because the supposed "journalists" that are the moderators are always leftists. So each candiate should choose their own questioner or questioners and let the "journalist" moderator keep order. --Ron W

      -Ron W

    3. Precisely and the moderator announces the subject, who will take pro and con, then each speaks for maybe 5 minutes or more going back and forth with a total time limit already agreed upon. It's up to the debaters.The debaters will listen to the other attentively with no grimaces or whatever when his opponent speaks. If that happens, the debate is immediately ended and whoever caused this would be banned as it should be.
