Monday, December 14, 2020

We must refuse to go to the funeral of our independence – General Flynn: Election 2020 is the biggest fraud ever perpetrated against the American voter

Via Huongtam Nguyentran                                                                          

PATRIOT ALERT: Information being received NOW that Communist China purchased Dominion Voting in October 8 for $400M. Efforts underway to verify. If true, this confirms other evidence that Communists intend to overthrow our government to get our precious land. NOT ON OUR WATCH.

The facts are that if Joe Biden is sworn into office on January 20th, America, as we know it, will cease to exist as a free republic. President Trump is and has been well aware of this eventuality. In 2018 he enacted an Executive Order which would allow for the declaration of a national emergency.

What he does now will put him in the history books alongside President Lincoln, or in the minor leagues, like Mitt Romney.

Today we find ourselves in similar peril of our republic collapsing due to an illegal presidential election. The votes represented shown by a preponderance of the evidence that the results are blatantly false. Yet the majority of Americans are unaware of these facts due to one of the largest international cover-ups in history.

Every media, from entertainment to news, to social, are trying to hide that fact. Yet, if one searches beyond the MSM, the facts are open and notorious.

More @ CDN


  1. If he wants to be my Commanding General officer, I would be proud to serve, even if it was an insurrection army... I am sure he could raise battalions!
