Sunday, January 31, 2021

Dr. Simone Gold – The Truth About Covid-19 and The Covid-19 Vaccine.

 Via G.W. Long


  1. Sad thing is that there are tons of folks out there that would listen to this and then tune out that little thing inside that tells them it's true and put on two masks and yell at you for not doing it.

    Cognitive dissonance at it's finest.

    1. Thanks and I'm still not sure if I will take the shot Tuesday but believe I will go for it and I contacted their site to ask for a prescription of hydroxychloroquine to have just in case I do get sick as she suggested.

    2. Brock, You're much better off enhancing your immune system. I have always taken supplements, particularly Vitamin C, 1-2000 mg daily, Magnesium Glycinate (others like mag oxide or citrate are not absorbable and act as laxatives) I usually take 2-400 mg and try to eat foods with magnesium line spinach and nuts (almonds, walnuts, cashews) . The most important supplement is Vitamin D3, 5000 I.U.s daily, especially in cold months when you don't get sunlight. And finally, zinc 50 mg. Zinc is a natural anti-viral. I actually take a zinc-copper supplement by Soloray. I try to eart other healthy foods along with this. Look up the the long list of adverse side effects for this vaccine. Why do they NEVER mention them on the media?? INFORMED CONSENT!!
      Health and strength--Ron W

    3. Thanks and this is from a friend who's a nurse. Her 70 year old father had no problems at all.

      .Covid vaccine Dose 2 update....its rough! I received my injection at 7pm Wednesday around 2pm yesterday I was exhausted- by 9pm I was having terrible bodyaches...woke up this morning with a headache and had fever and chills throughout most of the day. I am finally feeling starting to feel better!
      *still happy I made this choice!

    4. As long as it is a choice by informed consent, I'm OK. When it or any medical procedure is made mandatory, we're dealing with criminality and wickedness. We have a right to "BE SECURE IN OUR PERSON" (4th Amendment) . Health and strength--Ron W

    5. Would never preach to people,but I never bought In to the lies!!

  2. I'm not one to normally tell others what to do with themselves. Don't do it Brock. My wife is a nurse in the COVID unit at our local hospital. It was a nice fat pay raise. No bullshit. Dude it's the flu. No need for that shot man. Every person that is in there (not many) that are really sick have many comorbidities.

    I'll pray for you just in case you do though.

    1. I mentioned to the wife about you today. She gave me that look and I was like...."I told him babe".

    2. "I told him babe".

      :) About what?

  3. Not to get the shot. She agreed strongly. But we support you in whatever you do bro.

  4. We don't need that vaccine, there are alternative solutions and we know it.

  5. I have friend she is in north carolina , at there no lock down and no one wear face mask.

    take care youe self , do not afraid the virus... because virus will be never forever disappriar in our life.

  6. I'm 71 - - in very good health - - and I felt there was something crooked going on about "the shot" - even in some of the videos - especially on Biden - - you don't see the shot actually going in... am not and will not be getting the shot!!! Best video I've seen about the vaccine. Thanks
