Thursday, January 21, 2021

The Guy Who Once Sold His Own Driveway is Now Your President

 Via G.W.


 We all have known someone like this.  They think they know a lot more than they really do.  And when they talk about how things work, it's with so much confidence that you figure there must be some genuine smarts behind it, but in actuality, they are just full of shit.

They manage somehow to stick around a long time, so it’s hard to imagine the person is completely clueless and inept.  But once you start really paying attention to the things they say, you begin to wonder.  What would happen if you put the person in charge of something challenging?

When Joe Biden was vice president, he wasn’t in charge of much of anything.  When he was in the U.S. Senate, he wasn’t in charge of much of anything either.  And he hasn’t had a job in the private sector in more than 50 years. To find out how Joe handles actual responsibility, we have to look a little deeper.

More @ Diogenes Middle Finger


  1. The average leftist isn't all that bright....with some exceptions. They aren stupid either. What they mostly are is clever, ruthless and totally committed to winning at any cost. They have only one and NO qualms about doing whatever is required to prevail. Our side is saddled with the baggage of morals, ethics, a commitment to fair play and obeying the rules. As long as that reality exists we cannot win and they will always prevail. To defeat them we must become as ruthless, amoral and relentless as they are. We must become them. The question being is winning worth becoming what we oppose. In the words of Dr. McCoy...."Spock, I've found that evil usually triumphs unless good is very very careful".
