Saturday, January 2, 2021

Trump Can Win if Congress Successfully Challenges Electoral College


  1. The proper outcome of this election has ALWAYS hinged on people in power doing the PROPER, JUST AND LEGAL THING. So far that has NOT HAPPENED. Why would anyone believe that it will happen at the last minute. EVERY legal avenue of recourse that Trump has to stop the theft of this election has LONG been known by the left....and they have long ago moved to BLOCK those avenues. Realistically Trump has only one viable alternative. Invoke the Insurrection Act and move to arrest literally THOUSANDS of traitors in the ranks of politicians, bureaucrats and the media....export them to Guantanamo and try/execute them. Nothing else is going to stop them. And by doing so he will have crossed the Rubicon thus rendering America as it was founded and as we grew up in finished. But then the reality is once Biden/Harris etc. take full control America is finished. Given the choice between the two I vote for Trump hanging the criminal wholesale.
