Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Two Comments on the end of the Trump Presidency

Image may contain: one or more people, stripes, tree, table and indoor

In the waning hours of President Trump's term, I am thankful for his four years at the helm of this great nation. For the first time since Eisenhower (another hero of mine), we enjoyed a pro-military, anti-war administration that gave us an all-too-rare period of peace. My father, who fought in Korea and Vietnam, taught me that no one hates war more than the soldier. Having later fought for my country and as the father of a soldier, I know full well what he meant and am grateful. Trump led from a position of strength. He ushered in an expansion of religious protections after many years of seeing these rights chipped away. 

Our churches have always been key to the success of our country, and the right of our people to worship freely is enshrined in the First Amendment. Going forward, we must hold the line and keep the incoming politicians in check. President Trump brought - in spite of the best efforts of members of both parties - stability to the Southern border. It is telling that the President's staunchest ally at the end was President Obrador of Mexico. The wall Trump built was as helpful to Mexico as is was to the United States. 

President Trump demonstrated love of country and love of our flag as few in my lifetime have shown. He restored our economy - twice, restored our military after literally decades of war fought, and so much more, with little or no help from Congress. It has been a pleasure being able to serve this nation under this Commander-in-Chief. I will miss him. 



Its an ill wind that blows no one any good. 

I am pleased to announce the end of those endless pompous pontifications from this quarter.  I leave that behind, along with the rights, liberties and freedoms formerly enjoyed.  With those rights, liberties and freedom came responsibility, which I also now abjure. From time to time, I may pass on odd tidbits and memes I find amusing.

It saddens me to report also, that the creative impulse has flown.  There will likely be no more stories, anecdotes, memories recounted.  I enjoyed writing and cartooning, but when the jar is empty, it's empty. 

I thank you all for your courteous attendance and I wish y'áll the best of what possibilities remain to us.  Vaja con Dios.



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