Thursday, February 4, 2021

ACLU Issues Twitter Thread Allegedly Debunking ‘Myths’ About Trans Students In Sports

 Trans Sports

The American Civil Liberties’ Union (ACLU) issued a Twitter thread Wednesday that claimed to offer facts debunking four myths about trans people in school sports.

“Attacks on trans youth in sports are showing up in dozens of state legislatures nationwide,” the thread begins. “These bans are discriminatory, harmful, and unscientific.”The ACLU went on to explain that, first of all, “trans girls are girls,” and that the idea of sex being rooted in biology is a “myth.”

“There is no one way for our bodies to be,” they wrote. “Women, including women who are transgender, intersex, or disabled, have a range of different physical characteristics. Biological sex and gender are not binaries. There are no set hormone ranges, body parts, or chromosomes that all people of a particular sex or gender have.”

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