Friday, February 19, 2021

You Lie Down With Dogs, You Get Up With Fleas

Ft. Sumter: No Federal Right To Occupy having neither been completed not garrisoned according to the contract, either within the three years specified time, or,  for that matter, by 1861, Major Anderson occupied a piece of property that the United States had not the vestige of a right to occupy, and which was under the ownership, jurisdiction, and sovereignty of the State of South Carolina exclusively.

Sometime back in the early sixties—climaxed in 1964 with Barry Goldwater’s efforts—the South with its conservative measure, almost En Masse wanted (and needed) a place to go other than the old Democrat bastion of “Solid South.”

The SS political vector had been in unofficial direction and vogue since the dastardly and corrupt destruction and “reconstruction” of the South; post-War-Between-the-States (the uncivil war). It was a result of the phony Republican party which had never had anything in mind in its creation but a national government to replace the (how ironic) republican one. And most of all, high tariffs were paid by the South for internal improvements in the North. After beginning a war and ravaging the South for its comparable 1776 secession movements, the Republican party, and its political narcissists, bankers and railroad tycoon-thieves kept its boot on the neck of the South. (Yes, the Yankees started the war as they attempted to occupy a Southern fort—Sumpter. It was South Carolina’s fort, not the Union’s.)

More @ The Abbeville Institute


  1. i got my 20th call from the republican national committee today the caller admitted that the past callers should have logged that i needed at least several more months before i could even consider rejoining. Then we had a great conversation about the failures of the party over the years. My Dad ran Goldwater's campaign thru to the convention and then was replaced after doing the first 3 or 4 acceptance speech drafts. Some guy not a true conserative did the final draft with the misquote from Cicero. That guy became a metal sculptor in DC. After the RJNC took over the campaign it was all over. But the real victory of the campaign was Reagan. I still remember his speech with goose bumps. Any way the RNC guy today was fun to talk to and got a real educatio0n. We evan talked about Joh Singleton Mosby and his connection to George Patton.

    1. That was great. Here are some more"
      General George Patton

      Geo. S. Patton

      Colonel George Smith Patton

      Mortally wounded at the Battle of Opequon Creek (or 3rd Battle of Winchester), leaving a widow and 9-year-old son, Colonel `Patton was the grandfather of Lt. Gen. George S. Patton III, World War II 3rd Army Commander, who "… often credited his grandfather –the brave Colonel of the 22nd Virginia— as the inspiration for his military career."

      Photo: Credit – Civil War Photo Collection, USAMHI

      "........George Sr.'s father had commanded a Confederate regiment during the Civil War and was killed in Winchester, Va.=.......Patton used to pray nightly to a painting of two men he thought were God and Jesus but were really Civil War heroes Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson........"

    2. Forgot the link.
