Thursday, April 29, 2021

Betrayed and Abandoned: April 30, 1975

"I shall never repent having done what I did, nor complain about the consequences of my captivity. (17 years) If history were to repeat itself, I would choose the same path. By so doing, I know from experience that I would lose everything but HONOR."


 I Have Committed The Mistake Of Believing In Americans

  Betrayed and Abandoned

Vietnam Babylift, My Story

141 Pictures Of The Vietnam War

VC Dead & VNCH Graves

How Well I Remember: 700 Million For SV in 1975


  1. WELL aren't all you military guys lucky,THE CHINESE are here in america and their bragging about what their going to do,I see them and the Russian military from time to time at WALMART,they love shopping there,and they love to brag,and they speak perfect english,and YOU will be meeting them soon,THEY ARE PREPEARING TO TAKE CALIFORNIA..RIGHT NOW AS WE ARE SPEAKING,,good luck..

  2. This American thinks he deserves the MOH - do you?
    There are plenty of Vietnamese Generals who also deserve it. Without
    them the war would have long been lost before it was, as it were.

    1. Thanks and interesting as I have commented on the War on Vietnamese forums that, sad to say, the defeat in 1975 could be considered the best, since there was no chance for additional money from the US and would have saved lives in the end. The two years the NVA thought it would take would have resulted in far more South Vietnamese military and civil deaths. :(

      How Well I Remember: 700 Million For SV in 1975

    2. Thanks.

    3. In the Paris Peace Accords signed in 1973, the Nixon administration pledged to contribute $3 billion toward healing the wounds of war and the post-war reconstruction of Vietnam. That promise remains unfulfilled.
      They lie about everything of significance. Like Agent Orange - they refused to take
      responsibility for its devastation of the land, hence,
      the people. No matter the consequences, they'll do it.
      A person could just brush against a bush that had Agent
      Orange on it and you'd come down with cancer.

    4. That promise remains unfulfilled.

      Because the North didn't keep theirs.
      A person could just brush against a bush that had Agent
      Orange on it and you'd come down with cancer.

      I haven't heard that and am an Agent Orange 'recipient' :)

    5. I remember your cause of cancer - you had to fight to
      get the gov to recognize the cause. All about the money,
      again. It's like an article stated - Agent Orange causes
      ALL cancers. Agent Orange killed millions of Vietnamese.
      They were lined up at clinics for help.

    6. remember your cause of cancer - you had to fight to
      get the gov to recognize the cause. All about the money,

      Negative, I received my disability with my first submission, though I was one of a kind, since I had my medical records from 1974  while I was still in-country, and the only GI to have been struck down while there. My doctor at Camp Kue Army hospital where I was med-evaced to and a graduate of my military school after I had done so, was curious as there was no knowledge of Agent Orange at that time, he said that the only person he knew of who had contracted my kind of cancer at my age was an 18 year old girl whose Mother had it.  (Vocal cords) In Vietnam you never hear about it.

    7. My mistake as you would know. A few yrs ago you had an
      article on Agent Orange and your health connection. I
      wasn't Reborn then but Anonymous. Yes, your Agent Orange
      condition was readily approved according to what I am
      reading now. The old info is tricky to locate. Agent
      Orange use should never have happened as The Geneva
      Protocol prohibits the use of chemical and biological weapons in war. Makes me think of this virus going around.

      In 1990 the Washington Post reported that the U.S. government had long covered up and denied the link between Agent Orange and veteran medical struggles, citing declassified reports showing it knew the risks of using the herbicide, used it anyway and then pushed propaganda to deny its link.

    8. And, this evil henchman, Young, was paid big bucks to
      cover it all up:

    9. Yes, your Agent Orange condition was readily approved according to what I am reading now.

      Only because I had my medical papers from 1974. They have to do a lot of researching since they all came after the war with me the exception.


    Thanks and see they have the foliage painted orange which is an error since the color came from the canisters and was actually grayish.

    1. I'm sure the color orange on foliage was for special effects.
      You know, that Alvin Young reminds me of the same role
      Fauci is playing and getting paid well. Young received
      millions; no telling what Fauci is getting under the table.

    2. no telling what Fauci is getting under the table.

