Friday, April 23, 2021

Washington Vaccine Provider Says White People Not Eligible, Asked to Join Standby List

 Via John

COVID-19 vaccine provider in Washington state—the African American Reach and Teach Health Ministry (AARTH)—is prioritizing "Black, Indigenous & People of Color" for bookings at four vaccination sites across Seattle and Kent in King County.

White people are currently not eligible to book a vaccination appointment at the AARTH website. They are instead directed to join a waiting list and advised they will be notified when there is a "vaccine surplus available" at a clinic.

.More @ Newsweek


  1. Good. Let the blacks be the guinea pigs. In a couple of years, let us know how it went.

  2. Vaccine induced sterility in the black community. And that's a problem why? Now wouldn't Margaret Sanger would be smiling up from hell.

    1. Now wouldn't Margaret Sanger would be smiling up from hell.

      Good one. :)

  3. Oh, well.
    I'd gladly let thems get in the front line.
