Monday, May 17, 2021

Marxist Persecution of Christianity: Russian History that Americans Must Learn

 Mound covering one of the mass graves at Butovo. 

 Mound covering one of the mass graves at Butovo.

Marxism is anti-Christian at its very core.  Following the failure of Marxism to sweep Europe after World War I and the Russian Revolution, Marxist leadership concluded that Marxism could never dominate and flourish where Christian churches were strong.  Hence they have doubled down on undermining, uprooting, and destroying Christianity. The trend toward social Marxism versus the older more purely economic Marxism was thus born. In its strategic path to power, social Marxism undermines every aspect of a target culture, usually leading with control of the media and education establishments, and then government, but ultimately targeting all free speech and even free thought. The ultimate Marxist enemy is truth and especially the spiritual truth of Christianity and divine universal reality.

More @ The Times Examiner


  1. I appreciate the intent and sentiment, but seeing as Americans (for the most part) haven't learned AMERICAN history, it's not looking good for learning Russian history.

    Besides, too much of modern Russian history is HateThink and cannot be discussed, much less taught in the remnants of the West. Who financed the Russo-Japanese War that both materially and politically weakened the Tsarist Government in preparation for the revolution? Who were the men that literally murdered the Tsar and his family? And for the love of G-d don't look at the composition of the first Politburo or the disproportionate composition of the top levels of the secret police.

    The only things we need to know about modern Russian history are that: 1) Russians have a long long history of persecuting innocent minorities, and 2) inside every Russian is a Cossack waiting for an excuse to be set free so they can continue persecuting utterly innocent minorities. Finally, a bonus piece of information: Solzhenitsyn was a genius, until he wrote a certain book (that is still not translated into English) after which suddenly he became a crank.

    Armed with #1, #2 and the handy free bonus fact, you know all you need to about Russia.

  2. Katyn


    Subtitles or no subtitles, no need to understand a word, it will make you sick to your stomact.

    1. Thanks and they tried their best to blame it on the Germans.
