Tuesday, June 22, 2021

When Did We Have a Civil War, Virginia?


The civil war rages. Conservatives against Republicans and their vast army attachment of Neo-Cons. If the wrong side wins again, those left-wing democrats will raise Marx like Moses raised the serpent in the wilderness.

God’s guidance and blessing began in Virginia. But Civil War is where we are today.

 For those who have had the usual blather from a contemporary public-school education, a little background. Well, actually, more than a little if your public school (and universities) are as useless as they are as this is written. Point to make: Critical Race Theory is not simply a fool’s errand. It is fool’s delight. 

The *“1776 Project” is just another fool. ( Shouldn't this be the 1619 Project?

Most of the above-mentioned public schools repeat historical nonsense learned via rumor and winner-take-all indoctrination, or worse, from other public “educators.” Learning from contemporary public schools is like learning about sex from graffiti written on public bathroom walls. 

However, that “un” Civil War in the 1861-65 story that is taught was (and is) a historical hoax, insofar as its improper nomenclature, i.e., a civil war is one in which two sides are battling for control of a single government. (Correct but some dictionaries have changed their description  to cover the hoax.)

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  1. "The day Virginia died"


    by Eustace Mullins
