Thursday, July 15, 2021

Rules for Northern Immigrants


With the onset of the latest leftist government regime, many Americans are migrating South to escape oppressive taxes and gain other income advantages. Some of you may even be moving whole businesses here. Being the gracious Southerners that we are, our impulse is to welcome you, to invite you in for a metaphorical cup of coffee or a leisurely front porch chat. Our inclination is to make you feel at home, to accept you. But it is a conditional acceptance.

You are relocating to a place that is different, populated with people who have their own ideas about things. You would do well to remember it. If you are under the impression that the modern iteration of Southern life is radically different from the past and is oh so Yankee-fied it will object to nothing, you have been misled. Southern mores may look different – and they, too, have suffered under a coarse and imposed federal culture – but enough remain that their violation can still poke the rattlesnake if you aren’t careful.

I write this for your own good.

More @ The Abbeville Institute


  1. Yankees are the ones that come to visit. Dam Yankees are the ones that won't leave.

    1. HA!

      When I lived/worked in Dallas not only was I the token Yankee, but occasionally referred-to as That Damn Yankee.

  2. We have that here in NH too. Lib vermin move in (from MA, for example) and want to change HERE to be like the THERE they left.

    If I were to move, I would adapt to where I moved to.

  3. Most excellent. Civilization still exists in a considerable part of the USA but the dysfunctional need not apply.

  4. In Oregon, the vast overwhelming numbers of rural folk simply laugh at California refugees.
    Nothing fries a BOLCHEVIC faster than nobody taking her serious.
    Letters are writ, messages left at all the appropriate OfficialsAndAuthorities.
    Signs sprout in front yards, bumper-stickers over-lapping by the dozens.
    All for naught.
    We have a snow-storm, a drought, a few cougar inviting healthy joggers to brunch.
    Inevitably, the BOLCHEVICS return, realizing California cities are safer* than being around a bunch of irreverent hippie-Rednecks.
    * 'safer' means nobody questions their cherished beliefs.

    1. the BOLCHEVICS return, realizing California cities are safer*

      Give them impetus!

  5. Only good Yankee is a dead Yankee. They have ruined NC and the country.

    1. My grandfather was the police chief of Raleigh and I can only imagine what he would think of today's disintegration.
